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Reflecting on Learning

It is important to recognize that schools are often the first place where families and children experience cultures that are different from their own (Kirmani, 2007). When interacting with others that may have a different way of communicating, I always want to make sure I approach them in a manner that is appropriate and respectful.…

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

If everyone thought about children the way UNICEF does, image the outcome for such impactful work. UNICEF doesn’t just work in the U.S but in over 190 countries and territories and in the world’s toughest places to reach children and young people in their greatest need (UNICEF, n.d.). Browsing through their website has given me…

The Sexualizaton of Early Childhood

I am sure someone may ask, why would we need to speak on this subject when we are working with such a young age group. Well, there is no secret that children are exposed to a variety of things in life; believe it or not their environments are highly sexualized. We can look at books,…

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